A boutique Press dedicated to bringing richly imaginative and compelling fiction to readers of all ages.

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“Behold the music played on symboled keys that unlocks life’s secret mysteries and transforms them magically into poetry. “But why stop there?” Ask the wizards here, as they daringly take those gems extracted as if by alchemy and spin them into newfangled realities.”

~Master of Make-Believe~

Introducing: The World is Full of A**Holes, a picture book by K.L. Harris, illustrated by Nik Henderson!

The world is full of Assholes. They traverse every one of the seven seas, from the smallest towns to the largest cities. You can even find them in almost every species. But don't let this worry you. You're going to be fine. Quite frankly, Assholes aren't worth your time. And the best news, the world is full of something else that is worth paying attention to...

A Beautifully illustrated picture book for adults and young adults alike, which humorously points out the truth about A**holes. The ones we encounter in our lives, as well as the one we face within ourselves. The perfect gift for just about anyone 12+.

(WARNING: Mild coarse language.)

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